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Saturday 22 December 2012

Build Mental Readiness In Athletes

Build Mental Readiness In Athletes

Category Sports
By: Pudji Susilowati, S.Psi
Jakarta, June 23, 2008
Some time ago, our athletes striving to compete for the Thomas and Uber Cup trophy. Unfortunately the Thomas and Uber team we have not succeeded. Obviously, this failure and disappointment leaves a question mark on the majority of our society, why are we losing team mainstay. But in any event there must be a silver lining, because we have to study and analyze where the weaknesses that need to be maintained and repaired.
The success is determined by an athlete's physical and mental readiness. Psychic or mental condition will affect both performance athletes during training and when competing. Imagine, if before the race the athlete suffered severe checks choke with his family, so maybe if the situation affects emotional stability, concentration and energy drain. Another example, if before the race the athlete lacks the mental readiness face a tough opponent causing a major doubt and insecurity that hinders its ability to perform optimally.
Therefore, there is no harm if early, about developing the mental readiness of athletes to be an important portion of that personality problems and conflicts of the athlete can be managed well so that he still appears optimum.
Importance of Mental Readiness For Athletes
Stress before the match is commonplace, but it is able to manage stress or not is an ability to be grown. Stress can be a trigger enthusiasm and motivation to move forward, but excessive stress can have a negative impact. Without mental readiness, the athlete will be difficult to change negative energy (eg, resulting from the audience doubts the ability of the athlete) into positive energy (motivation to excel) so would degrade its performance (with symptoms of difficulty concentrating, tense, anxious about the results of the match , cold sweat, etc.). Even if the athlete is likely affected by the negative energy of the audience.

Fa k tor determining
I energ affairs and so significant emotional impact on the athlete's performance and appearance, while we can not sterilize the athletes of the problems that come and go in life. However, if examined, apparently according to Nasution (2007) there are several factors that determine whether an athlete is easily affected by the problem.
1. Positive Thinking
Whether or not an athlete's positive thinking, can affect the mentality on the field. Ability to find the meaning of each opportunity, event, situation, and the people faced is how to induce positive thoughts. Often heard that player A or B is not unexpected to win the game when the target is trying to play as good as possible. The reason, as his opponent, and the game is so good moment is essential to up grade the quality of the self and the game. That is, the athletes were able to see the other side that makes him unencumbered ambition. Mind relax and focus on quality games ultimately affect the attitudes of athletes during a match in which he was so careful and meticulous in the process, and do not grasah grusuh anxious scores.
Thus, positive thoughts can move the right motivation, thus removing the amount of energy and the right pressure to produce constructive action. The effects can vary, be good cooperation, optimum performance, or even victory.
2. Motivation
Level of motivation and a source of motivation for athletes to affect his fighting power. If less motivated, less any automatic his fighting power. If highly motivated, then his fighting power is also high. If there are outside sources of motivation (extrinsic), the strength of the athlete's power struggle is very situational, depends strongly weak stimulus effect. For example, the greater the reward, the stronger his fighting power. The smaller the gift, the smaller business.
Its best if the source of motivation lies within, not the weather affected especially the lure of reward. Athletes who have high achievement motivation, then since the beginning of practice he has consistently and persistently try our best. Satisfaction lies in order to achieve the best success at every stage of the training process, not just when playing. The problem there has influence, but for strong internal motivation, athletes are able to temporarily get rid of the emotional baggage that feels aggravate movement.
3. Clear goals
Knowing how far and how high the goal should be, affect the level of fighting spirit, effort and quality of combat athletes. Meanwhile, uncertainty can undermine motivation. Uncertainty is shaped variety. If it was not clear who his enemy, the target, the battlefield, the degree of difficulty, target, time, will make the athlete confused and did not focus his energy, his strategy was not specific and quality standards so it can not be determined, it could also be too low too high. In a confusing situation like this, so athletes are particularly vulnerable to problems.
4. Controlling emotions
The inability to control emotions can interfere with concentration and physiological balance. Controlling emotions can not arise overnight, because it has become part of the personality of the athlete. This does not mean there can be different, but necessary process to develop the ability to manage emotions proportionally. So, if the athlete is still has problems with emotional control, then he is more easily stimulated by a variety of problems of any nature, whether it's behavior spectator / supporter, coach attitudes, actions of his friends, and so on.
5. Resistance to stress
If the stress level is above the threshold of the athlete's ability to manage the stress it will cause decreased performance athletes, but if the stress level is below the threshold then the athlete will not be motivated to excel. If the stress level is at the level of the athlete's tolerance ability would be able to perform.
5. Confidence
Lack of confidence will affect the confidence and fighting spirit of the athlete. Problems arise when practicing or competing may weaken self-confidence, even if the athlete has been training well. Moreover, if the problems encountered related to the concept itself. For example, the athlete always view themselves less well, less than perfect, then cry "uuuuuu" audience can be considered confirmation of his shortcomings, despite the fact that these families are outstanding athletes.
6. Power of concentration
Athletes who have a high level of concentration, tend to be able to maintain performance despite distractions, interruptions or problems. If the athlete's concentration power is low, then it can easily make mistakes if an interrupt occurs either during training or matches.
7. The ability of self-evaluation
The ability of the evaluation is also necessary to look at the relationship between problems with his performance. Without the ability to look into, athletes will get stuck in problems and mistakes are repeated.
8. Interests
If the athlete does have a high interest in the sport of his choice then he would exercise as a pleasure and not a burden.
9. Intelligence (emotional and intellectual)
Intellectual and emotional intelligence is an element that can produce the ability to think logically, objectively, rationally and enable them to take the wisdom of the wise upon any event experienced or encountered anyone.

The factors mentioned above into PR for any athlete, and not merely PR coach because it is closely related to factors internal world of the athlete. The presence of the coach is very important, but the will and efforts of the athletes better determine the level of success and achievement. Initiatives to improve themselves or develop a positive mental attitude is more on the athlete than the coach. After all, a change imposed from the outside, the result is not effective, could even cause serious problems.

Role in fostering mental preparation coach athletes
There are no shortcuts to developing mental preparedness including athletes, and there is no shortcut for athletes to arrive at peak performance. It should be good cooperation between athletes with a coach or trainer. According Karyono (2006), the coach is expected to be counselors who are able to understand the character of caring for athletes and can provide constructive guidance primarily to build readiness and mental strength. Some of the things that are needed by athletes:
1. Giving encouragement than criticism
Attitude and words of coach most Likely will be heard and trusted by athletes care. If the coach says athletes poor, weak suck, can wait for some time then the chances of athletes will be weak and lame. Although coaches are required to remain honest in your opinions and judgments, but should be subjective and objective assessment of the nature and rational, not emotional. Harsh words that are abusive or insulting, more demoralizing than a fire.
2. Respect
Healthy relationships between coaches and athletes if in between there is mutual respect. Coaches motivate, forge mental and skill development towards self-athletes. The ability to appreciate, making the relationship between the two is not manipulative, mutually utilize. Sometimes without realizing it, trainers and athletes utilize their own talents for the wrong ambitions and trainers also use the athletes as the extension of her / his image. True respect, encouraging coaches to know what the needs of the athlete, and encourage athletes to appreciate existence as a support coach achieve self-actualization.
3. Realistic Goal
Realistic targets should be determined from the outset that both coaches and athletes, can arrange break down planning & target. Goals should menantan g but realistic to achieve. Unrealistic targets can make athletes feel inferior, inferior, or so over-confident, self overestimate because too sure she could and deserve to be champions.
4. Problem Solving
Anyone can be affected by the problem, both coaches and athletes. A wise coach is able to detect the slightest change of caring for athletes that can affect emotional stability, concentration and performance. Need a sincere approach to discuss the obstacles or problems experienced by athletes in order to find the source of the problem and find a solution to the logical. If the athlete has trouble controlling anxiety before the match, the coach can get him to find the source of anxiety and teach you to think logically and rationally. Coaches can motivate athletes recall the most memorable moments that happened and to review processes that drive success in the past. Addition, progressive relaxation (muscle relaxant) and breathing exercises are also beneficial lowering tension.
5. Self awareness
Athletes need to be provided in ways that healthy emotional control so that he can manage the success or failure of a rational and proportionate. The inability to manage success can make athletes delirious because of self esteem soar, while failure can make athletes because denying the actual depression. Therefore, athletes should also be encouraged to get to know who he is, knows where the weaknesses and strengths are realistic, and understand at which point the vulnerable self that needs to be managed properly. If the athlete has a proportionate self-knowledge, he tends to be more aware and prepare for the possibilities that could happen.
6. Managing stress and emotion
Managing emotion is also closely related to self-knowledge. Athletes who get to know him, will know the trend of the reaction and the impact of the emotions of self and others. Therefore, the coach needs to discuss with the athletes, the things what makes athletes-athletes feel happy, angry, sad, anxious, etc. and introduce alternative emotional control. A healthy emotional control, will develop resistance to stress because there is no buildup of emotional overload yourself and make energy can be used for things that are productive.
6. Good interpersonal relations
Good relations and sincere, honest and open between athletes and coaches, can positively motivate athletes. Distrust, not open, jaim (watch images), will push towards an unhealthy relationship between the two sides. This attitude should be open and honest from the beginning in the show by the coach as a role model for athletes auxiliaries. Communicate goals, expectations, criticism (constructive) feedback, feelings, opinions, barriers are even open to the advantages and disadvantages of themselves can be ultimately positive cultures that help athletes build a positive mental attitude.

At any rate, m enang or less are common in a match. Therefore, every coach needs to transfer not only the expertise and skills but also the right mental attitude. Got the skills but not backed up the wrong mental attitude-one can bring unexpected effect. Hopefully this discussion, both the athletes and coaches both saw the importance of building a strong mental attitude to support the achievement of athletes on the field, or in carrying out their daily lives. Let's give support our athletes! Hopefully bermafaat. Indonesian athletes move on!

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