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Saturday 22 December 2012

My sister Obsessive Compulsive

My sister Obsessive Compulsive

Encouraged by my wife, I am writing this letter to ask for advice about my youngest brother, men aged 18 years. He has a strange habit of doing a myriad of childhood but lately getting worse. My sister was very quiet and shy nature, rarely spoke and sociable. He was happy sitting at home or locked in rooms.

That is very strange, it was too maintain the neatness and cleanliness in all things, especially concerning her are clothes, a desk and a bed. All must be clean and neat. He always thought of germs in the body, so often the bathroom repeatedly, can be eight to ten times a day. Not to mention if you want to eat, wash your hands, it could be half an hour alone. To the extent that the sink and the soap was washed repeatedly. He always ironed clothes again going to wear, despite the slippery ironed maid. The clothes he always wore out fold back carefully, over and over until he was sure was in place well, only to be put in a laundry basket. Often when you're ready to leave school, she suddenly back again into the house to wash their hands, as well as reopen the shoes going to wash feet anymore. As a result she is often late to school and got a warning from the teacher. Raportnya values ​​were declining, because he rarely studied. What do you want to learn, lha wong time out for a day of strange rituals and useless. Sometimes he just finished a bath the night at 10 pm, after an afternoon busy wiping-wiped the desk repeatedly, sliding seat and organize books. Everything should be neatly arranged. It's neatly organized stacking is still continued. Often, annoyance and impatience, our father scolded. Instead of stopping, my sister actually intensified his behavior. Is my brother was mentally ill ya? what is the name of the disease is, what causes it and how to cure it?


Naturally confusing and difficult to ya face your brother peculiarities that take place every day. It is understandable that all other family members sometimes become confused and even irritated and frustrated might see different busy and doing rituals. But what is especially needed in dealing with such cases is actually understanding and your patience and all other family members. In psychology, the behavior of your sister quite obsessive compulsive disorder. Your sister seems to suffer from a form of mental disorder neurotic thoughts that arise repeatedly and continuously (obsessions), accompanied by an uncontrollable urge to perform an act repeatedly and constantly anyway (compulsive). Others who normally are often unable to understand what the intent of the behavior.

The form of obsessive compulsive disorder can vary. In your sister, obsessive thoughts is that he always clean and tidy. These thoughts continued to dominate him, and appeared in the form of activities, hand washing, bathing, wiping and set-set items unrelenting. Not only the family and the people around him are disrupted, your brother was actually realize that the series is unreasonable habit, spends his time and hamper him to do other things that are more useful, but he could not stop it because the obsessive thoughts master himself.

On the one hand, compulsive behavior that can relieve tension and anxiety in him, so that he felt calmer after work. The problem is, the younger you are so out of time to do other activities that are more productive. Some are day-to-day activities of a natural and normal to treat yourself (bathing, dressing, eating, sleeping), others are the demands of the social environment he must meet to be able to live a normal and adapting (play, socialize, learn, and schools) . Because locked in obsessive thoughts and rituals kompulsinya activities, if you sister trapped in a vicious circle that more and more severe. As you can tell, he is being left behind in school, running out of time to learn, often late, rarely completing homework, doing exam questions are not completed, resulting in bad grades, so he was often reprimanded and scolded by his teacher in house. This condition leads to stress and frustration in him, which further strengthened obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. The more he felt anxious, stressed, sad and frustrated, he would more often repeated the strange behavior to relieve the tension, and then turn to the father who could not wait to grow angry that your sister will be busy with strange rituals and so on. As you can imagine, the situation will get worse if not addressed immediately.

Your brother needs help and support from all members of the family to recover from illness. Therefore, it is your duty as a brother to constantly remind them to be patient and try to understand the conditions of your sister. Especially the hot-tempered father, you need to call out to you like trying to hold back flood of emotions, because it will only worsen the condition of the patient. To better understand, we encourage all members of the family tried to find the root cause of the disruption experienced by your sister. Therefore, there must be something underlying the emergence pikiran2 and obsessive-kompusif it.

According to the lens of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, obsessive-compulsive disorder caused by a stalled developmental stages, which at one stage called the anal phase. In this disease, the patient tried very hard to control primitive impulses with an overreaction, so his mind is being constantly glued to excessive cleanliness and neatness. It's actually to cover up or deny primitive needs such as bed-wetting, or to remove the forbidden desires, such as a sense of want to rebel against the authoritarian parents, for fear of sin and the fear of being scolded and then covered up with silence and the compulsive busyness.

Other experts expressed the opinion that Alfred Adler matching, namely that these disorders arise when the child needs to feel himself capable or competent hampered by the attitude of parents who are too discouraging or too dominant against children. As a result, children feel helpless, not able to do anything, and feel inferior. Finally, the kids just stick to simple patterns of behavior, and can safely be done. In your sister, she felt safe behavior and he was able to do include: constantly wiping and tidying up her desk and her bed.

Indeed, obsessive compulsive disorder is quite difficult to cure. Your sister needs help psychiatrist or clinical psychologist who is able to provide the appropriate treatment to eliminate such interference. You can go to a psychiatrist or to the clinical psychology faculty, but your sister healing process requires a long time, so you and your family to be patient, determined and painstaking accompany your sister while undergoing the therapy process.

Maya Harry, Psi
Sources: Indonesian Women

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