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Sunday 23 December 2012

The Rebound-Effect of Priming; An Environmental Psychological Approach

Since a couple of decennia, environmental problems have Become a worldwide concern. Numerous movements and political parties struggle against global environmental problems, such as deforesting, global warming, and CO2 emission. However, since the human race is strongly in need of our nature, one could raise the question: why do people behave in a way Often that is destructive for their and other's environment?

This question will be elaborated a bit more in this research, roomates is a collaboration between the University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia and the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. The collaboration exist of Pieter Meinema (master student in social and environmental psychology in the University of Groningen, the Netherlands), Monica Dea Yanuardani and Kristina (undergraduate students in the UGM), under the supervision of Dr. Neila Ramdhani.

The research will focus on values, value-activation in relation to the Participants' attitudes, and preferences to a specific environmental friendly service, namely: locally produced renewable energy. Since cultural values ​​are strongly based, the researcher expect a significant difference in values ​​between Dutch and Indonesian people. However, the main interest of this research is the way in roomates values ​​can be activated. By means of a prime, activate Researchers values ​​to the make individuals more Influential in the Participants' attitudes and preferences towards local energy. Hypothesize that people's values ​​are decisive in the way they perceive the environmental friendly energy, after the prime. For instance, whereas people with strong environmental values ​​will be affected by the prime positively, egoistic people with strong values ​​will be more negatively influenced by the prime.

So, this cross-cultural research try to find a rebound-effect of priming, According to the strength of one's values. A prime may not always Affect people in the Desired direction, but might even cause them to think and perceive in the opposite way; it might polarize people based on their values.

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