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Sunday 23 December 2012

Loving Education for Gifted Children

Loving educational seminars for gifted children held by the Unit of Psychology UGM Consulting Psychology Fakulktas in the auditorium Fakulktas Psychology UGM (30/11/2012). The material presented Dr. MG. Adiyanti know about gifted children followed by Dr. Wisjnu Martani with material handling gifted children. The last session of gifted education delivered by resource persons and representatives Disdikpora Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah elementary school principal Sapen Yogyakarta. Seminar participants numbering 50 people, consisting of kindergarten and elementary school teachers, parents and psychologists. They enthusiastically attend every seminar session moderator accompanied Yuli Dawn Susetyo, Msi and Edilburga W. Saptandari, M.Psi.

Gifted children is not an ordinary child. In the normal curve, they are not located in the middle but at the right end. This means that these children have the ability above normal. They have a great potential to be developed intellectual stimulation and special containers. But unfortunately the presence of gifted children are often not recognized by parents, teachers, and the community.

Dr. MG. Adiyanti - Psychologist Psychology UGM Fakulkas child development said that children who have the potential or demonstrated level of success in one area or more than friends number approximately 5% of the student population. Character gifted children generally learn easy and fast, able to think abstractly and critically, being a perfectionist, shows independent and non-conformist attitude, high self-awareness, and tend to relate to the people above age.

Son was originally seen as a gifted child who has high intelligence and good school achievement. However, the problem turned out to be more complex because there are data that find they have difficulties in learning. Children need to get stimulation talented gifted education in accordance with the level of ability. Only 1, 2 gifted students receive an education appropriate to their needs. "Education should meet the needs of gifted children intellectually, emotionally, and socially", he said when the informant loving educational seminars for gifted children.

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