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Caution Danger of brainwashing

Caution Danger of brainwashing

Social Category
By: Ubayd Allah, AN
Jakarta, May 21, 2010
Threats brainwash
Wikipedia explains that the site is a series of brainwash a systematic process undertaken by an individual or group, with methods that may be unethical or manipulative, to persuade the other party that fought mengegolkan particular desire despite having the means that are destroying the brainwash that. In the process of brainwash, activities may include: controlling the mind, brain washing, re-constructing one's understanding, to seduce someone with a little force, install minds by ideology, the facts or data, and explanations were very intense.
Although this technique was originally used in the military or political in defending the regime, but the journey, expanding its application areas. Many findings have uncovered that behind the violence that had been threatening us, such as suicide bombings and others, there is the success of the brainwash a person does to others.
Its success was not instant brainwash. There is a systematic attempt to formulate a story or a new understanding of a fact is presented to the person with the characteristics of the internal (psychological profiles) so that very specific match between the external trigger and internal determinants. Judging from the external characteristics are common, including our country a very difficult, difficult not to take action to brainwash the youth to take action that will harm yourself and the people. From the start of suicide bombings, riots, anarchist demo to protest against the elections.
External characteristics such as the face of social injustice, oppression, economic inequality, the average education level of the population, lack of trust in government, a very wide area motion, differences in religion, ethnicity, race, and others. This is yet another plus more sungkannya our government to the issue of human rights and democracy.
This all needs to be noted for the youth, parents, and government. Youth need to be aware of the various pitfalls brainwash. Parents also need to monitor the progress their children outside. Likewise pemeritah need to continue to reduce the reasons why nation-brainwash me easy to invade his homeland.
Recognizing Tabiat Brainwasher
In addition to a sign on the front, brainwash activity can also be identified from the nature and habit of the people. The first thing you do is bulldoze the brainwasher identity construction, understanding, and social relationships victim, like an old house being torn down for new construction plans.
Of course there are many ways how the process was carried out pembuldoseran. For example, among others, by exploiting the weaknesses, mistakes, ignorance and powerlessness of the victim or other negative things. For example I wanted to brainwash people from religious reasons, then I would do is prove how much sin is, how misguided he is, and so on. Assuming that the person had often cried in tears before me, ask for guidance from me, or in short is powerlessfull, then I started to make an offer, such as builder offering construction design to prospective clients.
As brainwasher, of course I would not necessarily agree on what the client wants. I will ask for terms. Common terms typically include: fully obedient, always Yes, that would isolate themselves lost connection with others and begin to control the person's life. For example, I made a plan, an agenda, and provided him with a logic that suits my interests.
To ensure pembuldoseran was a success, I need to create the conditions for a manipulative relationship. For example, if she questioned something, soon I would say he was headstrong. But if you say anything, I would say not creative. If he confide in, I would say maudlin. But if you do not want to confide in, I would say save the hypocrisy. And so on and so forth.
After pembuldoseran and reconstruction ensured success, then I started using last moment, the people praised him as a strong, great, and it deserves to do something. Sure, I've set the agenda on what fit people do it as a symbol of power, nobility, loyalty, purity, and others.
If this last moment doubt me, otherwise I would do is prolong the confusion, frustration, and powerlessness of the victim until he was ready to rage against the state. When anger is mounting, I would be more easily direct him to do something for my sake.
Although in this paper can be explained quite simply how the brainwash that takes place, but in practice not everyone can do it successfully. There are certain people who seem to be equipped with skills that good talent to brainwash someone else posted.
Regardless the reason that used religious, social, or whatever, but most people that have a soft approach, know who can, and know what to hide and what needs to be stated. In addition, he was also "confident" (confident) to another memimpinorang.
Who is Most Easily In-brainwash?
Who is the most convenient / potential subject for in-brainwash? In practice, of course, is not easy to pin down accurately and definitively. Explanation below can only be used to anticipate clue that we should not easily be used as target practice to brainwash brutal action.
If referring to a term in psychology, a potentially taxable in-brainwash was he called experiencing mental illness, which roughly translates is mentally ill. This term is somewhat difficult to find an appropriate definition and acceptable in all social standards with criteria intact. In general, we can call it abnormal.
That included more susceptible are people with personality problems (personality disorder). The form include:
1. Very low ability to solve problems well, to hell with due to his behavior, or rather do the crazy recklessness
2. Easy exploded on a very dangerous (explosive)
3. Discreet but keep volatility membayakan (passive - aggressive)
4. Kaku, hold a grudge, and narrow, with strong demand for others and the world should be run as his ego
5. Had problems of social relationships, self-isolation, it is difficult to accept differences, or low tolerance
6. Others again are people with a level of protest or rebellion attitude is high, but the level of unhealthy (pathological), low mental resistance, easy to despair that made him often think "dead".
If all of the above characteristics get a mate of external factors was triggered, the fire easily ignited. For example, was ever treated unfairly, his life more difficult, nothing to lose, rarely met with people / groups that enlighten his soul or expand capacity.
It would be perfect explosion when supported with low education, marginalized social status, and the increasing number of sermons or lectures that invites the masses to be angry with the fact without accompanied with wise suggestions for addressing the reality is strongly supported by the logic of the brain.
Not so easy brainwash Exposed
What no one is immune to brainwash people? In theory, we can answer it in black and white. But, in practice, is not clear. That is, everyone can brainwash potentially taxable, regardless there is nothing easy or difficult.
So that we are not susceptible to brainwash others that bring us destruction reckless action, we need to do exercises such as:
First, before feeling or reaction, berpedomanlah on personal values, social or universal that has grown since childhood. We need to practice to make the teachings, principles, or values ​​as a driver of action. Do not merely follow the reactive feelings, understanding their own right, or a personal or group interest, even though it still sometimes we have to do as a proof that we are not robots.
Second, training to be a tolerant and flexible. It does not mean that we are loud and strong anti-tolerance. Often even brittle when exposed to the problem or reality. If it is not broken, we can blindly. For example, we are strongly against certain religious understanding. If it exceeds the hard limit, maybe we will even violate religious values. So that we can be tolerant and flexible, training is expanding and socially variatifkan posted that friction occurs.
Third, open, never fanatical about ideas, concepts, systems, or paradigm born of the human creative process. We just need to fanatics on universal ethical values, a kind of honesty, responsibility, and other matters, which are few. The results of the human creative process that we need to use as a reference or the tools we choose to deal with a particular situation that could change at any time.
Many violent backgrounds understand religion because whoever fails to distinguish between revelation and which are the result of "creative process" religious leaders. Fanatical professor of management concepts-so, we did not even make a valuable management. Fanatical about democracy we do not even make democracy worth. Fanaticism is wrong to make our own misery.
Fourth, strengthen the logic of life, in the sense of using the brain critically and analytically. This can only be trained when we are increasingly connected our relationship with ourselves, for example, we know what our goals, track our lives, our values, the right person for us, what we stand for, our problems, and so on. If we blank on ourselves, our lives logic easily broken or easily soluble.
Fifth, dare to say "NO" in the solicitation, appeal, advice, counsel, common sense approach that we are strange, the characteristics we have seen in advance.
Characteristics of a Good brainwash
Although in the literature already said clearly that it was using a technique brainwash unethical and manipulative, but in practice there may be what we might call brainwash, but still unethical and manipulative. Call it social language wrong. Fundamental characteristic that we can pedomani include:
  • ·    If that educate us. Education meant to make us be yourself in shape and better quality, not destroy us or make us a victim of his ego.
  • ·    If it menolang us, with motives that are to help, such as helping us from the bondage of drugs. If the person is manipulating his motives, his help or just take advantage of you refuse his help
  • ·    If it develops the capacity of our positive, such as science, network, experience, insight, understanding, and so on. Many religious lectures, speeches social, or political campaigns that just invites us to be angry over the fact, but not one bit dianya themselves willing to sacrifice our positive capacity building. If we follow it, we own fault. Consider it a sale or a hoax.
  • ·    If it takes us to obey God's commandments, principles, or values ​​which truth is received common sense around the world, not to invite us to follow the ego, lust, his personal ambition.   

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