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Friday 21 December 2012

RSBI, Create Issues Discrimination Education

Psychology Zone - Government policy on international school stubs (RSBI) reap much debate. Some people judge RSBI will only make the gap of quality and service of education , while others say the opposite.
The government itself still remains adamant administer. Through judicial review proceedings the Law on National Education System (Education Law) in the Supreme Court, expert witnesses representing the government said, RSBI totally against national norms and refuse to say discrimination in education.
In the trial, the principal of SDN 01 Menteng, Central Jakarta, Ahmad Solihin said, the issue of discriminatory initiated applicant is simply not true. Based on his experience, the process of receiving new students (PPDB) at no distinguishing element prospective students based on economic class.
"Discriminatory in school admissions issues RSBI it's not true," said Achmad at the Constitutional Court (MK), Jakarta, Wednesday (2/5).
He added, PPDB are open wide to all the community because there is an online system and arranged in Disdik administration.
Meanwhile, Social Psychologist, University of Indonesia, Good Takwin as an expert witness a judicial applicant Article 53 paragraph 3 of Law on National Education System, said different things.
"In the 1945 Constitution clearly stated that education is the right of citizens. Therefore, the quality of education should not for a group of people, but for all the children of the nation, "he said.
He explained that, in the study of educational psychology, children can grow better when there is interaction with students and teachers vary. Benefits, clever students can share, whereas the less intelligent students can learn to improve themselves.
When the kids are boxed-boxing by intelligence or economic level through the education system, Indonesia's young generation will think that injustice is common. Government policy should minimize the number of the nation's children are left behind. (KMP / mba)

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