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Saturday 22 December 2012

How to Communicate Feelings Heart

How to Communicate Feelings Heart

Ass. I happen to read a collection of hadiths that point when we love someone Convey. So how do I say it To the people who love them?



Brother KP, seems less clear hadith which one you mean. But in general, the hadith that tells of loving someone is there not liking the opposite sex but love the nature and behavior and akhlaqnya in their everyday lives. And usually expressed feelings in front of people she likes.

As for expressing a person's heart's content to let us pay attention to the time, place and the physical and psychological condition of the recipient. Look for the right time, for example when he has free time, when she is relaxed and so forth. Usually the day off in the morning or afternoon. The place should be in accordance with the subject presented. It is impossible if we want to talk specifically and seriously need to meet at the bus station a noisy and chaotic, is not it?

Also notice the physical and psychological condition, as this also will determine acceptance of the question. When he was in a state of tired after work and you say serious, it can be a breeze then him. Or if he was in a state of emotional and you express it, may be misunderstood your intent.

In addition to the above, notice a good speech. Arrange the words are easy to understand and does not berbeli complicated. Not too many things that are associated with the main goal to be delivered. As well as the supportive words with an appropriate expression.

May be useful

Satria Hadi Lubis
Sources: EraMuslim

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