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Friday 21 December 2012


1.    Dr. Singgih Dirgagunarsa
Psychology is the study of human behavior.
2.    Plato and Aristotle
Psychology is the science that studies the nature of the soul as well as the process through to the end.
3.    John Broadus Watson
Psychology is the science that studies the behavior of visible (external) using the method of objective observation of the stimulus and the response (the response).
4.    Wilhelm Wundt
Psychology is a science that studies the experiences that arise in the human senses such as feelings, thoughts, feeling (feeling) and will.
5.    Woodworth and Marquis
Psychology is the science that studies the activity of the individual from the womb to death in connection with the natural surroundings.
6.    Knight and Knight
Psychology is the science of   systematically learn about the experiences and behavior of humans and animals, normal and abnormal, individual or social.
7.    Hilgert
Psychology is   study the behavior of humans and other animals.
8.    Clifford T Morgan
Psychology is the study of human and animal behavior.
9.    Garden Murphy
Psychology is the science that studies the response given by living things to their environment.
10.   Rene Descartes
Psychology is the science of consciousness.
11.   George Berkeley
Psychology is the science of sensing (perception).

Prior to 1879, life studied by philosophers and scientists chapter (phisiologi), so psychology is considered as part of the second discipline. Scholars of ancient philosophy such as Plato (427-347 BC), Aristotle (384-322 BC) and Socrates (469-399 BC) has been thinking about the nature of life and symptoms. Philosophy as a master of science is the science of looking nature of things by creating questions and answers and continuously so as to achieve a true understanding of something. Psychology is really still part of the philosophy in a sense, pure.
In medieval times, psychology was still a part of the philosophy that the object remains the essence of the soul and its methods are still used argumentsi logic. His characters include: Rene Descartes (1596-1650) is famous for its theory of consciousness, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) who expressed psikofhisik welfare theory (psyehophysical parallelism), John Locke (1623-1704) with a tabula rasa theory suggests , that the new-born souls still clean like wax paper or a white board that has not been written. In the past psychiatric problems also discussed by Islamic scholars like Imam al-Ghazali (d. 505 AH), Imam Al-Raazi Fachrudin (d. 606 AH), Al Junaid Bagdadi (d. 298 H), Al'Asyari (d. 324 H) . discussion of this issue is a part of the science of psychology and the science of tasawwuf usuluddin.
In the 17th century until the 19th century, influenced by the science of psychology. They investigate and describe the processes and psychological statements in accordance with the laws of nature and the law of cause and effect (casual). Psychological symptoms are due to stimulation from the outside as well as changes in the brain and nerves.
Then in 1832-1920 came Wundt who think that I or the human person is active, it can affect the style statement of her soul as well as members. If you understand the association stated that totalitet same as the number of elements off, then understand appersepsi states that psychic processes are complex and a totalitet more than the sheer number of collection elements.
Wundt called the pioneer of modern psychology. Like the gestalt psychology, psychology of structure and so on, understand and experiment is very useful for the development of science onwards, ie since 1900 until now.
Psychology is a young science, it separated into an independent science since 1879 at the time of the establishment of the first psychological laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) in Leipzig Germany.
Since ancient Greece, psychological symptoms many interesting perhatianpara scholars. Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle put forward a lot of ideas about psychological symptoms. Then Descartes (1496-1650) came up with the slogan Cogito Ergo Sun (I think therefore I am) and since iru arose concerned the flow of consciousness in psychology. After that many other scientific members psychological effect on growth, such as biology, physics and chemistry. So the birth of psychology as a science of its own.

1)       To gain an understanding of the symptoms of soul and a more perfect understanding of the behavior of fellow human beings in general and children in particular.
2)       To determine the actions of the soul as the soul and the ability to recognize behavior saranauntuk   human behavior or child.
3)       To find the good of education.

Abu H. Ahmadi Drs. , 2009. Psychology General. Jakarta: Rineka Notices.
Fauzi Ahmadi H. Drs. , 1997. Psikoloi General. New York: Heritage Faithful
Sarwono Sarlito Wirawan. , 2000. Introduction to General Psychology. Jakarta: Moon Star.

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