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Saturday 22 December 2012

Purpose of Life

Purpose of Life

I am a male aged 21 yrs. Basically I live from a religious family, but my first love is the one who committed the sin and love seduced by the world (devotee of love than God) and even with it (love) I made my living as an encouragement. Until now, I still try from time to time to continue to improve intentions, yourself and repent to Allah.

But the more I get closer to Him, as if the world did not become too attractive in the eyes, heart and my passion. So I just want to get closer to God, and even crossed the desire to become a Sufi. But I am reminded of the Hadith apostle to maintain a balance between this world and the hereafter.

Now I can not seem to determine the direction of your goals and expectations that can make me excited from time to time and as a motivator For something I pursue from time to time. So that my soul seemed to be empty with no ambition or goals, and just follow the direction of the flow of life alone. My question is:
1. Is yangsaya feel this? Until now I had blum interchangeable define it?
2. What is the best solution for me?
3. And the goal is the plg best for His servant?



Ananda Adha which I respect, salute before you make that can understand and change your life for the better.

Enjoy and live life begins from our perspective on life. How do we make sense of life lived and processes. And man was created by the Deity is to benefit. Not only for himself but also for others and the environment. God does not just tell people to do the prayer and worship only other individual, but also asked to do deeds-social deeds, tithing, infaq, doing good and avoiding evil deeds and understand the creation of creation. Therefore, God made man as Caliph on earth serrta a blessing for the universe (Qur'an 21: 107). And the Prophet also stated in a hadith "The best among you is the one most beneficial to others."

To that end, fix our life paradigm that the main thing in life is the emphasis on the process for a better life. Although that does not mean the intention and purpose underestimated. Savings is the main pious charity, let alone be able to leave a legacy for future generations meaningful as our predecessors who left various science so it is easy to get closer to Allah through pious charity.

Meaningful legacy that will make us happy in the world and smiles happy in the Hereafter. As said Sayyid Qutb when he will face death on the gallows, "the real happiness I feel is when I feel confident that I have left something valuable for successor generations."

Satria Hadi Lubis
Sources: EraMuslim

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