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MDGs: Progress Assessment Standard State

MDGs: Progress Assessment Standard State

Category Development
By: Veronica Adesla, S.Psi
Jakarta, May 28, 2007
According to the report "A Future Within Reach" and report the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) Asia Pacific in 2006, Indonesia ranks lowest category with   Bangladesh, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines (Kompas, 2007). A few years ago, Indonesia has occupied as a developing country category, but based on the report above, it seems that now the title is no longer attached. State of Indonesia is now experiencing a significant decline in various aspects of development.
What is the basis of assessment of the countries in the Asia Pacific? Valuation basis used is the MDGs. The MDGs are a directive to achieve the millennium development that must be followed by all countries in the world. Contains the 8 MDGs millennium development goals, targets and indicators along each, equipped with strategies and other support variables. In MDGs, discussed the handling of extreme poverty that is, until the termination of the plan spread of HIV / AIDS, and the provision of universal primary education. MDGs targets for all countries in the world was in 2015 (UNDP, 2007).
The 8 millennium development goals in the MDGs by UNDP / United Nations Development Programme (2007) are as follows:
1. Eliminate Poverty and Hunger that is extreme
1.              During the 1990 to 2015 managed to reduce half of the population who have an income of less than $ 1 per day.
1.        The number of the population that has   income of less than $ 1 per day (World Bank).
2.        Ratio differences in poverty, $ 1 per day (World Bank).
3.   Increased income in the population of poor people (World Bank).
2.              During the 1990 to 2015 managed to reduce half of the population who suffer from hunger.
4.   Facts of children under 5 years old who weigh less than proportional to the weight that should be achieved (based on age) (UNICEF / United Nations International Children's Fund).
5.   Total population in the category to consume Energy Food / Dietary Energy Consumption below the minimum that should (FAO / Food and Agriculture Organization).
2. Obtaining universal primary education
3.              Ensure by 2015, all children everywhere both women and men are able to complete all the lessons in primary schools.
6.    Comparison of net enrollment in Primary Education (UNESCO / United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization).
7.   The number of pupils from level 1 (grade 1) who reached level 5 (Grade 6) (UNESCO).
8.   The number of people aged 15-24 years who are able to read / not illiterate (UNESCO).
3. Support of gender equality and women's empowerment
4.              Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education levels expected first achieved in 2005, and at all levels of education no later than 2015.
9.   Comparison between the number of women and men in education / elementary school, junior and senior secondary (UNESCO).
10. Comparison of the number of women and men aged 15-24 years who can read (not illiterate) (UNESCO).
11. Female employee salaries in the non Agriculture
12. The proportion of women who sat the bench in the national parliament (IPU / Inter-Parliamentary Union).
4. Reduce child mortality
5.              Reduce two thirds the mortality rate of children under 5 years of age between 1990 and 2015.
13. The mortality rate under 5 years of age (UNICEF)
14. Infant mortality rate (UNICEF)
15.   The proportion of children aged 1 year on measles / chicken pox.
5. Advancing the health of the pregnant women
6.              ¾ Reduce maternal mortality ratio between 1990 and 2015.
16. Ratio maternal mortality (WHO / World Health Organization).
17. The proportion of births of babies are handled by experts in the field of health / medical personnel (UNICEF).
6. Combat HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases
7.              Stopping the emergence of new cases of HIV / AIDS and begin to reduce the spread of HIV / AIDS in 2015.
18. The spread of HIV in pregnant women aged 15-24 years (UNAIDS / United Nations Programme on HIV / AIDS).
19. Figure the use of condoms as part of contraceptive use and the number of population aged 15-24 years who are knowledgeable about HIV / AIDS are true and deep (UNAIDS, UNICEF, UN / United Nations Population Division, WHO).
19a. The use of condoms as a last   when high-risk sex.
19b. Percentage of population aged 15-24 who are knowledgeable about HIV / AIDS are true and deep (UNICEF / WHO)
19c.   Figures use of contraceptives   (UN Population Division)
20.     Comparison among school children aged 10-14 years who were not orphans and orphans.
8.              Start reducing the occurrence of malaria and serious diseases   ainnya   and succeeded in stopping the spread in 2015
21. The incidence and mortality in relation to malaria (WHO).
22. The proportion of the population in high-risk areas using the method of contracting malaria prevention tools and effective malaria treatment.
23.   The incidence and mortality in relation to TB / Tuberculosis (WHO).
24.   Proportion of tuberculosis cases detected and cured under directly observed treatment short-term treatment classes (WHO).
7. Ensuring sustainability / environmental sustainability
9.              Bringing together the principles of environmental sustainability development into country policies and programs of the state;   efforts to restore the endangered natural resources.
25. The percentage of land that had greening of existing land (FAO).
26. Comparison of the area / land protected to maintain biological development   of the land area (UNEP /   United Nations Environment Programme).
27. Energy supply (the number of measured waterwheel used in an equation Kg oil) per $ 1000 (PPP / Purchasing Power Parity) GDP / Gross Domestic Product (World Bank).
28. Karbondiosida income (per capita) and consumption of ozone depletion CFCs (ODP / Ozone Depleting Potential   tons).
29. Proportion of population using solid fuels (WHO).
10.          In 2015 Reduce half of the proportion of the population without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation needs consistently.
30. The proportion of the population has access to a consistent water source and better (WHO / UNICEF).
31.   Proportion of population with access to improved sanitation.
11.          In 2020, managed to achieve a significant increase in lives of at least 100 million people living in slums.
32. The population living in slums and slum as part of the urban population (secure tenure index) (UN Habitat).
8. Develop a global partnership for development
12.     Further develop trade and financial system that is open, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory. Includes a commitment to good governance, development and poverty reduction, both nationally and internationally
13.     Addressing the special needs of the least developed countries. Includes: tariff and quota exemption Access to export countries lacking / not developed; increase debt relief for HIPCs program / ​​Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and the cancellation of bilateral debt, and more assistance from ODA / Official Development Assistance to states that memgurangi committed to poverty.
14.     Addressing the special needs of Landlocked country and small island developing states.
15.     Dealing with debt problems of developing countries   in depth through national and international measures in order to manage the loan money in the long run.
16.     In cooperation with developing countries, develop and implement strategies for decent and productive work for young men and women.
17.     In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to essential medicines at affordable prices for developing countries.
18.     In cooperation with the private sector, providing the advantages of new technologies especially in the field of information and communication.
Official Development Assistance (ODA)
33. The net result of ODA as a percentage part of the gross national product donors OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) / DAC (Development Co-operation Directorate) (the target of 0.7% in total and 0.15% for LDCs / Least Developed Countries) .
34. Proportion of ODA to basic social services (basic education, primary health care, nutrition, maintaining clean water, and sanitation).
35.   Proportion of ODA that is not bound.
36a. Proportion of ODA for environment in small island developing states.
36b. Proportion of ODA for transport sector in the countries covered.
Market Access
37. Proportion of exports (by value and excluding arms) tax-free and quota.
38. Tariffs and quotas on average for agricultural products, textiles, and clothing.
39. Domestic and export agricultural subsidies in OECD countries.
40.   Proportion of ODA provided to help build trade capacity.
Debt Sustainability
41. The proportion of the official billateral HIPC debt cancellation / Heavily Indebted Poor Countries.
42. The total number of countries reaching HIPC decision points and number that reached completion points (cumulative) (HIPC) (World Bank-IMF / International Monetary Fund).
43. Service loan in percentage export of goods and services (World Bank)
44. Lending under the HIPC initiative (HIPC) (World Bank-IMF)
45. Unemployed 15-24 year olds: by sex and total (ILO / International Labour Organization).
46. Proportion of population with access to essential drugs at affordable prices consistently (WHO).
47. Subscription and mobile phone networks per 100 population (ITU / International Telecommunication Union).
48. Users Personal Computer (PC) and the Internet per 100 population (ITU).
Eight distinct objectives with targets and indicators is used as a standard measure of success for the countries in the world in building the country, of course, including in it is the country of Indonesia. Success or failure of Indonesia achieve the MDGs by 2015, depending on the extent of public awareness and the Indonesian government to work together to build a country more conducive and better. Therefore, each individual as a citizen of Indonesia, in fact obliged to think and do something that you can build this country for the better   viewed from various aspects of development.
Note-Abbreviation Word Abbreviation:
CFCs: Chlorofluorocarbons
DAC:   Development Co-operation Directorate
FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization
HIPCs: Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
ILO: International Labour Organization
IPU: Inter-Parliamentary Union
ITU: International Telecommunication Union
LDCs: Least Developed Countries
ODA: Official Development Assistance
ODP: Ozone Depleting Potential
OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
TB: Tuberculosis
UN: United Nations
UNAIDS: United Nations Programme on HIV / AIDS
UNDP: United Nations Development Programme
UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
UNICEF: United Nations International Children's Fund
WHO: World Health Organization
PPP: Purchasing Power Parity
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
IMF: International Monetary Fund
UN. Millennium Development Goals. Taken on March 5, 2007 from the World Wide Web:
UNDP. Millennium Development Goals. Taken on March 5, 2007 from the World Wide Web:
UN, the Millennium Project. Taken on March 5, 2007 from the World Wide Web:   h ttp :/ / /
Maria Hartianingsih. (2007, March 3). Indonesia Backward about MDGs.   Jakarta: General Daily Compass.


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