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Friday 21 December 2012

Many Difficulties Parent Storytelling

Banyak Orang Tua yang Kesulitan Mendongeng
Illustration (stock.xchg)
Jakarta. Psychology Zone - Storytelling has become a common activity parents. However, there are still many parents who just feel difficulty in storytelling for children. According to Layman Prakoso, a teller of tales village, many of them claimed could not tell, but basically everyone can tell.
"Storytelling is easy, the story can be taken from everyday events or interesting things around us. The important thing parents need to be good at the creation of the story and make a fairy tale with a causal relationship, so it is more easily digested by children , "said Layman capable of imitating animal sounds.
Storytelling has many benefits for parents and children, including improved emotional connection between the two.
"Storytelling as a day-to-day activities is extremely important to create human beings who have intellectual and emotional intelligence," says child psychologist Efnie Indrianie in a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday (17/5).
According Efnie, the story should be contained in a tale of moral values ​​that will be role models for children to adulthood. Not only that, storytelling also need to display activities that could attract the attention of children.
"Children under five are still relying on her sense of taste so as to start the activities, including storytelling, can be initiated by providing snacks, such as ice cream, which can make them attracted his attention," he said.
Meanwhile, Wall's Senior Brand Manager in Home, Nuning Wahyuningsih said, an atmosphere of togetherness time with children is a very important value for the psychological development of children.
Wall's Dreamy Creamy through new products contributed to the activities of storytelling with the campaign "Mother is the storyteller for her child".
Nuning said the event is supported by a survey conducted in the UK on 500 children aged 3-8 years. The survey showed that 2/3 children want their parents to take the time to tell stories before bed. Survey more mothers than fathers want to be with storytelling. (Ant / mba)

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